Theme : Transnational and PanAfrican Solidarity and Cultures of non-Violence

This year, our festival aims to extend across the entire Sahel region given the multidimensional challenges that feminists in this region face. The research and culture/communication sectors being doubly impacted by the political, environmental, security and economic crisis, we hope, through this activity, to contribute to bringing together feminist and cultural activists to revitalize the sector and prepare a feminist response to crises.

The objective of the festival, as an awareness-raising and coalition building event, is to 

i) center the theme of transnational pan-African feminist solidarity; 

ii) further popular education; 

iii) foster a sense of belonging through arts and culture with the CINEFEMFEST as strategizing platform to shift power across ethnic, gender, racial, caste, generational and geographic lines. 

In addition, it seeks to mobilise and use different levers of change to help African feminists develop an intersectional response to the multidimensional crises political, economic, environmental and social crises facing the African continent, from the Sahel, to Sudan to Kenya.

This year, in addition to the movie screenings and academic-style presentations, the festival will include an artivist writing session with the selected workshop participants. See below call

For more information: [email protected]



This writing workshop, which will be held in the last trimester of 2024, will bring together a group of around fifteen carefully selected participants of artists, political decision-makers and researchers who will work together to produce artistic and/or academic works that shake up the established order in terms of knowledge production based on rigorously documented empirical data or on artistic works. The week-long writing workshop aims to bring together teachers, researchers, feminist activists and artists to produce a collective output. 


By proposing to discuss the challenges of action-research and artistic creation on gender in Africa, this workshop invites researchers and artists to a mutual learning exercise where each category of actors would put themselves in their place on the other to understand the issues and representations of gender and feminism as political objects through the prism of their social reality. This laboratory of ideas, writing and creation aims, in a conducive framework, to engage in in-depth reflection on the said and unsaid of gender in Africa, which, both in scientific and artistic approaches, as well as the results empirical and creative products, raises questions. These reflections are all the more relevant as they will focus, as much on the methods adopted and the sources and materials, as on the positioning and positioning of the stakeholders in research and artistic creation in Africa in contexts of decentring and decolonization. knowledge production processes. This workshop will also be an opportunity to bring out new hybrid forms, new/or emerging heuristic ‘genres’ resulting from the encounter between the social sciences, the arts and the humanities on the African continent and in the diaspora. Finally, this workshop will be an opportunity to pool multiple and complementary expertise, aiming in particular to encourage meetings between researchers, artists and activists for possible collaborations and co-creations. 

Proposed Themes 

THEME 1: Fields and Materials: Theory and action research in Social Sciences & Humanities 
THEME 2: New Genre(s) : Feminisms and ‘artivism’ in Africa and the diaspora 
THEME 3: Race, Class and Gender at the heart of cinema and literature in Africa 
THEME 4: Prisms, Positions and Products: Changes in Social Sciences and Humanities Research

To submit your application: Send a 1000-word summary, CV with professional, academic publications and artistic creation experiences to [email protected] before September 2, 2024 at midnight GMT. All costs of selected participants will be covered, depending on available funds. Results announced: September 16, 2024: only selected participants will be contacted.

WHO are we?

The CINEFEMFEST festival-symposium was created to analyse research and celebrate Africa’s cinema with a feminist lens.